Areas Of Interest

NAS150, NAS114

    • NAS150 (formerly AEOL-10150) is a superoxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic that serves as an anti-oxidant by reducing oxidative stress seen in many chronic inflammatory conditions
    • NAS150 has shown to be safe and tolerable in a Phase 1 healthy human study and is being advanced into Phase 2 clinical trials for PSP and IPF
    • NAS114 (formerly AEOL-11114) is our name for our 2nd SOD mimetic, anti-oxidant compound
    • NAS114 has been shown to have an effect in reducing neurodegeneration and reducing oxidative stress markers in mice and rats, and NAS is pursuing advancement of NAS114 into Phase 1 studies for Parkinson’s Disease and Epilepsy


    • NAS911 currently under reformulation for delivery interests is a stable analog of a protein the body uses for nerve transmission and to help manage responses to stress and damage called Substance P
    • This Substance P analog, also known as SMSP, has been shown to have beneficial effects on a number of disease models which indicate significant potential value as a therapeutic option for patients with a multitude of conditions

    Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) 

    • IPF is a type of progressive interstitial lung disease characterized by scarring in the lungs that leads to an irreversible decline in lung function
    • The median survival rate following diagnosis is reportedly 3-5 years
    • New Amsterdam Sciences is currently developing two compounds, NAS150 and NAS911, that can halt, and potentially reverse, the progression of this disease

    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)

    • PSP is a rare, neurodegenerative disorder that impacts walking, balance, and eye movement
    • There are currently no approved treatments available for PSP
    • New Amsterdam Sciences is developing a reformulation of an anti-oxidant therapy using (NAS150) that can halt, and potentially reverse, the progression of this disease


    • Influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses which circulate in many species in all parts of the world, causing seasonal outbreaks of flu
    • When viruses cross species and recombine, they can produce never before seen influenza viruses that can become global pandemics
    • The 2017-2018 flu season has been the worst the US has seen since the 2009 swine flu pandemic
    • New Amsterdam Sciences is currently developing a novel, host-targeted influenza therapeutic with the potential to better treat influenza infection and potentially save countless lives
    • We were recently awarded a U.S. Army / CDMRP Discovery Grant to further research on NAS911’s ability to treat influenza. In addition, NAS911 has shown beneficial in H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, H7N9 and studies continue.
    • Using NAS150 current studies are planned to address the prospect of an influenza and COVID-19 co-infection threat which is very real and could happen in the coming flu season of 2021.


    • Radiomitigators can help the body repair or recover from damages caused by the high energy radioactivity (ionizing radiation) emitted by certain radioactive materials, such as many that are used for cancer radiation therapy, or by nuclear explosions or due to an industrial accident or ‘dirty bomb’
    • New Amsterdam Sciences is developing radiomitigators to combat the following effects that afflict many individuals following exposure to ionizing radiation
      -Radiation-Induced Lung Injury (RILI)
      -Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome (RIGS)
      -Radiation-Induced Mucositis (RIM)
      -Radiation Dermatitis
      -Radiation-Induced Alopecia and hair graying

    Chemical and Biological

    • New Amsterdam Sciences recognizes the growing threat of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) incident that can cause significant harm to the population     
    • NAS150 has been shown to offer significant pulmonary and dermatological protection, as well as cognitive improvement, from exposure to chemical warfare agents 
    • Preparation for any exposure event is critical and that is why NAS has cultivated relationships with organizations like BARDA and CDMRP, who actively assist in developing medical countermeasures for these threats


    • Cancer immunotherapy refers to a type of treatment that utilizes the body’s own immune system to more effectively eradicate cancer cells
    • Based on newly recognized mechanisms and treatments targeting them, the immune-oncology market is expected to reach $119 billion by 2021
    • Immunotherapies are continuing to be developed as treatment options for a growing number of indications, and include therapeutic cancer vaccines and adjuvant therapies
    • NAS911’s ability to enhance the immune system and stimulate dendritic cell activity makes it an exceptional candidate to develop as an adjuvant therapeutic for various cancers or vaccine adjuvant


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